The Aglyph Context fluent API


Introduction to the Context fluent API

The easiest way to configure Aglyph programmatically is to use the “fluent” API exposed by aglyph.context.Context.

The Context fluent API consists of a set of chained-call-style methods (exposed on Context or its subclasses) that can be used to define components of any kind (prototype, singleton, borg, weakref) as well as templates.

There are six (6) “entry points” into the Context fluent API:

  1. aglyph.context.Context.prototype() to define a prototype component
  2. aglyph.context.Context.singleton() to define a singleton component
  3. aglyph.context.Context.borg() to define a borg component
  4. aglyph.context.Context.weakref() to define a weakref component
  5. aglyph.context.Context.template() to define a template
  6. aglyph.context.Context.component() to define any kind of component (more on this method later)

Each entry point returns a “builder” which can be used to further define the component or template.

For the sake of demonstration, assume we begin with the following initialization code:

from aglyph.assembler import Assembler
from aglyph.component import Reference as ref
from aglyph.context import Context

context = Context("example-context")

Let’s define a singleton component:


Here we have provided a unique ID for the component (“my-singleton”). Since this is not a dotted name, though, Aglyph doesn’t know which class to use to create the object. We will provide the class name with a chained call to the create() method:


We could also have used the dotted name as the unique ID, in which case calling create() would not be necessary.

Now we wish to define the initialization arguments and keywords. We add another chained call to the init() method to do so. We can also break the chained call sequence onto multiple lines for readability:

    init("argument", keyword="keyword"))

Finally, we terminate the fluent sequence by calling the register() method, which actually creates an aglyph.component.Component and adds it to the context:

    init("argument", keyword="keyword").


Terminating the fluent builder with a call to register() is crucial. The component definition is not actually created or stored in the context unless/until this method is called!

Now this context can be given to an assembler, and we can create an object:

assembler = Assembler(context)
my_singleton = assembler.assemble("my-singleton")

You can find many other examples of using the Context fluent API in the Aglyph cookbook.

A note regarding the component() entry point method

The strategy-specific entry point methods (prototype(), singleton(), borg() and weakref()) are implemented in terms of component().

For example, calling singleton("package.ClassName") is the shorthand equivalent of calling component("package.ClassName").create(strategy="singleton").

If component("my-id") is used to define a component and no explicit strategy is specified, then the default strategy (“prototype”) is assumed.


There is one “special case” that warrants explanation:

When specifying a member using the fluent API (i.e. objects of the component are “created” by attribute access on the object identified by a dotted name), then the creation strategy is implicitly set to “_imported” and SHOULD NOT be set explicitly. In short - consider member and strategy to be mutually exclusive.

Using component references with the Context fluent API

Let’s add another component to the context. This new component needs to be injected with an object of “my-singleton” via a property. We will use an aglyph.component.Reference to provide the dependency:


Assembling an object of “example-object” will resolve “my-singleton” to the same object we assembled earlier, and will set that object as the module2.ExampleObject.thing property.

Using the Context fluent API to define templates

Defining templates via the Context fluent API is identical to defining components, with the exception that there is no create() method for template builders. Remember, templates cannot be assembled - they serve only as a basis for further defining other templates or components.

Here is an example:

context.template("my-template").init("arg", keyword="kw").register()
(context.singleton("my-singleton", parent="my-template").

Notice that we have added parent="my-template" to the singleton method call.

Now when we assemble “my-singleton” its initializer will be called with the positional argument “arg” and the keyword argument keyword=”kw”.

Letting Aglyph introspect dotted names

If preferred, classes (or other callables) that will be defined as components or templates can be introspected by Aglyph. Let’s revisit the earlier example, slightly modified, to demonstrate this:

from module import ClassName
from module2 import ExampleObject

from aglyph.assembler import Assembler
from aglyph.component import Reference as ref
from aglyph.context import Context

context = Context("example-context")

    init("argument", keyword="keyword").


assembler = Assembler(context)
example = assembler.assemble("example-object")

Notice that we call singleton(ClassName) as the entry point. Aglyph will automatically convert ClassName into its dotted name “module.ClassName” and also use that value as the unique ID. This means that the expicit call to create() is now unnecessary, and so it has been removed.

Next, notice the call to create(ExampleObject). We used “example-object” as the component ID, so we must still tell Aglyph the dotted name of the class. But instead of passing the dotted name as a string, we again pass the class and let Aglyph determine the value.

Finally, notice that we use ref(ClassName) when setting the thing property. Like the fluent API entry point methods and create(), aglyph.component.Reference is also capable of introspecting a dotted name.


Callable object dotted-name introspection for nested callables (e.g. nested classes) does not work in Python versions prior to 3.3 because the introspection depends on the Qualified name for classes and functions (i.e. __qualname__, specified in PEP 3155).

Overview of the Context fluent API methods

The Context fluent API is made up of a number of “mixin” classes that are combined in different ways to support describing templates and components.

These classes are never instantiated directly; rather, the “entry point” methods are exposed as members of aglyph.context.Context that return either a aglyph.context._ComponentBuilder or a aglyph.context._TemplateBuilder; and those builder classes inherit relevant methods from the mixin classes.


For reference, here is the class hierarchy for the Context fluent API (all classes are defined in the aglyph.context namespace):

class Context(_ContextBuilder)
class _TemplateBuilder(_InjectionBuilderMixin, _LifecycleBuilderMixin, _RegistrationMixin)
class _ComponentBuilder(_CreationBuilderMixin, _TemplateBuilder)

“Entry point” methods to create component and template builders

_ContextBuilder.component(component_id_spec, parent=None)[source]

Return a fluent Component builder for component_id_spec.

  • component_id_spec – a context-unique identifier for this component; or the object whose dotted name will identify this component
  • parent – the context-unique identifier for this component’s parent template or component definition; or the object whose dotted name identifies this component’s parent definition

New in version 3.0.0: This method is an entry point into The Aglyph Context fluent API.

_ContextBuilder.prototype(component_id_spec, parent=None)[source]

Return a prototype Component builder for a component identified by component_id_spec.

  • component_id_spec – a context-unique identifier for this component; or the object whose dotted name will identify this component
  • parent – the context-unique identifier for this component’s parent template or component definition; or the object whose dotted name identifies this component’s parent definition

New in version 3.0.0: This method is an entry point into The Aglyph Context fluent API.

_ContextBuilder.singleton(component_id_spec, parent=None)[source]

Return a singleton Component builder for a component identified by component_id_spec.

  • component_id_spec – a context-unique identifier for this component; or the object whose dotted name will identify this component
  • parent – the context-unique identifier for this component’s parent template or component definition; or the object whose dotted name identifies this component’s parent definition

New in version 3.0.0: This method is an entry point into The Aglyph Context fluent API.

_ContextBuilder.borg(component_id_spec, parent=None)[source]

Return a borg Component builder for a component identified by component_id_spec.

  • component_id_spec – a context-unique identifier for this component; or the object whose dotted name will identify this component
  • parent – the context-unique identifier for this component’s parent template or component definition; or the object whose dotted name identifies this component’s parent definition

New in version 3.0.0: This method is an entry point into The Aglyph Context fluent API.

_ContextBuilder.weakref(component_id_spec, parent=None)[source]

Return a weakref Component builder for a component identified by component_id_spec.

  • component_id_spec – a context-unique identifier for this component; or the object whose dotted name will identify this component
  • parent – the context-unique identifier for this component’s parent template or component definition; or the object whose dotted name identifies this component’s parent definition

New in version 3.0.0: This method is an entry point into The Aglyph Context fluent API.

_ContextBuilder.template(template_id_spec, parent=None)[source]

Return a Template builder for a template identified by template_spec.

  • template_id_spec – a context-unique identifier for this template; or the object whose dotted name will identify this template
  • parent – the context-unique identifier for this template’s parent template or component definition; or the object whose dotted name identifies this template’s parent definition

New in version 3.0.0: This method is an entry point into The Aglyph Context fluent API.

Describing object creation for component builders

_CreationBuilderMixin.create(dotted_name=None, factory=None, member=None, strategy=None)[source]

Specify the object creation aspects of a component being defined.

  • dotted_name – an importable dotted name or an object whose dotted name will be introspected
  • factory – names a callable member of the object represented by the dotted name
  • member – names any member of the object represented by the dotted name
  • strategy – specifies the component assembly strategy

self (to support chained calls)

Any keyword whose value is None will be ignored (i.e. None values are not explicitly set).


The member and strategy keywords should be treated as mutually exclusive. Any component definition that specifies a member is implicitly assigned the special strategy “_imported”.

Describing dependencies and lifecycle methods for template and component builders

_InjectionBuilderMixin.init(*args, **keywords)[source]

Specify the initialization arguments (positional and keyword) for templates and/or components.

  • args (tuple) – the positional initialization arguments
  • keywords (dict) – the keyword initialization arguments

self (to support chained calls)


Successive calls to this method on the same instance have a cumulative effect; the list of positional arguments is extended, and the dictionary of keyword arguments is updated.

_InjectionBuilderMixin.set(*pairs, **attributes)[source]

Specify the setter (method/attribute/property) depdendencies for tempaltes and/or components.

  • pairs – a sequence of (name, value) 2-tuples (optional)
  • attributes – a mapping of name->value dependencies

self (to support chained calls)


Successive calls to this method on the same instance have a cumulative effect (i.e. the attributes mapping is updated)., before_clear=None)[source]

Specify the names of lifecycle methods to be called for templates and/or components.

  • after_inject – the name of the method to call after a component has been assembled but before it is returned to the caller
  • before_clear – the name of the method to call immediately before a singleton, borg, or weakref object is evicted from the internal cache

self (to support chained calls)

Any keyword whose value is None will be ignored (i.e. None values are not explicitly set).

Registering the template or component described by a fluent builder


Add a component or template definition to a context.

Returns:None (terminates the fluent call sequence)