Integrating Aglyph


Use Aglyph to configure your CherryPy application

CherryPy’s custom plugins and tools already provide a DI-like way to manage your web application’s runtime dependencies, but configuring those custom plugins and tools can still result in bootstrap code that tightly couples their configuration and use. In this example, we’ll use Aglyph to configure a CherryPy application to use Jinja templating.

Using declarative XML configuration

In the myapp/config/myapp-context.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<context id="myapp-context">
   <component id="jinja2-loader" dotted-name="jinja2.FileSystemLoader">
   <component id="jinja2.Environment">
         <arg reference="jinja2-loader" />
   <component id="template-tool"
         <arg reference="jinja2.Environment" />
   <component id="cherrypy-tools" dotted-name="cherrypy" member-name="tools">
         <attribute name="template" reference="template-tool" />

Now in our application’s main module we simply use Aglyph to assemble the “cherrypy-tools” component, which has the effect of setting to an instance of

from algpyh.assembler import Assembler
from aglyph.context import XMLContext

assembler = Assembler(XMLContext("config/myapp-context.xml"))
# note that we do not assign the assembled component - it's unnecessary

Alternatively, we could assemble just the “template-tool” component and assign it explicitly:

import cherrypy
from algpyh.assembler import Assembler
from aglyph.context import XMLContext

assembler = Assembler(XMLContext("config/myapp-context.xml")) = assembler.assemble("template-tool")

Using fluent API configuration

In a module for the myapp application:

from aglyph.context import Context
from aglyph.component import Reference as ref

context = Context("myapp-context")
    create("cherrypy", member="tools").

Now in our application’s main module we simply use Aglyph to assemble the “cherrypy-tools” component, which has the effect of setting to an instance of

from aglyph.assembler import Assembler
from bindings import context

# note that we do not assign the assembled component - it's unnecessary

Alternatively, we could assemble just the “template-tool” component and assign it explicitly:

import cherrypy
from aglyph.assembler import Assembler
from bindings import context = Assembler(context).assemble("template-tool")

Provide dependency injection support to your application using AglyphDIPlugin

This example shows how to use aglyph.integration.cherrypy.AglyphDIPlugin (a cherrypy.process.plugins.SimplePlugin), allowing your application’s other plugins, tools, and dispatchers to assemble components via CherryPy’s Web Site Process Bus.

Using declarative XML configuration

Using an Aglyph XML context document myapp/config/myapp-context.xml, configure the Aglyph DI plugin in your application’s main module like so:

import cherrypy
from aglyph.assembler import Assembler
from aglyph.context import XMLContext

assembler = Assembler(XMLContext("config/myapp-context.xml"))
cherrypy.engine.aglyph = AglyphDIPlugin(cherrypy.engine, assembler)

Components may now be assembled by publishing “aglyph-assemble” messages to the bus. For example:

my_obj = cherrypy.engine.publish("aglyph-assemble", "my-component-id").pop()

Using fluent API configuration

Using an application-specific module, configure the Aglyph DI plugin in your application’s main module like so:

import cherrypy
from aglyph.assembler import Assembler
from bindings import context

cherrypy.engine.aglyph = AglyphDIPlugin(cherrypy.engine, Assembler(context))

Components may now be assembled by publishing “aglyph-assemble” messages to the bus. For example:

my_obj = cherrypy.engine.publish("aglyph-assemble", "my-component-id").pop()

Manage the lifecycles of your application components

The aglyph.integration.cherrypy.AglyphDIPlugin subscribes to channels for controlling the lifecycles of Aglyph singleton, borg, and weakref components:

  • “aglyph-init-singletons”
  • “aglyph-clear-singletons”
  • “aglyph-init-borgs”
  • “aglyph-clear-borgs”
  • “aglyph-clear-weakrefs”

Refer to the plugin class documentation for details.