Source code for aglyph.component

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, 2013-2018 Matthew Zipay.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
# files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
# restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
# copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
# conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

"""The classes in this module are used to define components and their
dependencies within an Aglyph context (:class:`aglyph.context.Context`).

.. rubric:: Components and Templates

:class:`aglyph.component.Component` tells an
:class:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler` how to create objects of a
particular type. The component defines the initialization and/or
attribute dependencies for objects of that type, as well as the assembly
strategy and any lifecycle methods that should be called.

:class:`aglyph.component.Template` is used to describe dependencies
(initialization and/or attribute) and lifecylce methods that are shared
by multiple components. Templates are similar to abstract classes; they
cannot be assembled, but are instead used as "parents" of other
components (or templates) to achieve a sort of "configuration

.. note::
   Both ``Component`` and ``Template`` may serve as the parent of any
   other component or template; but only components may be assembled.

.. rubric:: References and Evaluators

A :class:`aglyph.component.Reference` may be used as the value of any
initialization argument (positional or keyword) or attribute in a
component or template. Its value must be the unique ID of a
**component** in the same context. At assembly time, the assembler will
resolve the reference into an object of the component to which it

An :class:`aglyph.component.Evaluator` is similar to a
:func:`functools.partial` object. It stores a callable factory (function
or class) and related initialization arguments, and can be called
repeatedly to produce new objects. (Unlike a :func:`functools.partial`
object, though, an ``Evaluator`` will resolve any initialization
argument that is a :class:`aglyph.component.Reference`,
:func:`functools.partial`, or ``Evaluator`` **before** calling the

.. rubric:: Strategies and Lifecycle methods

:data:`aglyph.component.Strategy` defines the assembly strategies
supported by Aglyph (*"prototype"*, *"singleton"*, *"borg"*,
*"weakref"* and *"_imported"*).

:data:`LifecycleState` defines assmebly states for components at
which Aglyph supports calling named methods on the objects of those
components. (Such methods may be used to perform specialized
initialization or disposal, for example.)


__author__ = "Matthew Zipay <>"

from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
from functools import partial
from inspect import isclass, ismodule, isroutine
import logging
import warnings

from autologging import logged, traced

from aglyph import AglyphError, _identify, __version__
from aglyph._compat import is_string, name_of, TextType

__all__ = [

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Strategy = namedtuple(
    "Strategy", ["PROTOTYPE", "SINGLETON", "BORG", "WEAKREF"])(
        "prototype", "singleton", "borg", "weakref")
"""Define the component assembly strategies implemented by Aglyph.

.. rubric:: "prototype"

A new object is always created, initialized, wired, and returned.

.. note::
   "prototype" is the default assembly strategy for Aglyph components
   that do not specify a member name.

.. rubric:: "singleton"

The cached object is returned if it exists. Otherwise, the object is
created, initialized, wired, cached, and returned.

Singleton component objects are cached by :attr:`Component.unique_id`.

.. rubric:: "borg"

A new instance is always created. The shared-state is assigned to the
new instance's ``__dict__`` if it exists. Otherwise, the new instance is
initialized and wired, its instance ``__dict__`` is cached, and then the
instance is returned.

Borg component instance shared-states are cached by

.. warning::
   * The borg assembly strategy is **only** supported for
     components that are non-builtin classes.
   * The borg assembly strategy is **not** supported for
     classes that define or inherit a ``__slots__`` member.

.. rubric:: "weakref"

In the simplest terms, this is a "prototype" that can exhibit
"singleton" behavior: as long as there is at least one "live" reference
to the assembled object in the application runtime, then requests to
assemble this component will return the same (cached) object.

When the only reference to the assembled object that remains is the
cached weak reference, the Python garbage collector is free to destroy
the object, at which point it is automatically removed from the Aglyph

Subsequent requests to assemble the same component will cause a new
object to be created, initialized, wired, cached (as a weak reference),
and returned.

.. note::
   Please refer to the :mod:`weakref` module for a detailed explanation
   of weak reference behavior.

.. rubric:: "_imported"

.. versionadded:: 3.0.0

.. note::
   The "_imported" strategy is only valid (and is the only allowed
   value) when *member_name* is specified for a component.

   Since this strategy is implicitly assigned and is intended for
   internal use by Aglyph itself, it is not exposed on the
   ``Strategy`` named tuple.

An already-created (loaded) object is obtained from an imported module
or class (as opposed to creating the object directly).
Such components will always resolve (i.e. be assembled) to the same
objects; but those objects are not cached by Aglyph as they will
exhibit "natural" singleton behavior so long as the containing module
is referenced in :attr:`sys.modules`.

It is not necessary to explicitly set the strategy to "_imported" when
using *member_name* - Aglyph will default to "_imported" when it sees
a non-empty *member_name* defined.

.. warning::
   Explicitly setting strategy="_imported" **without** specifying
   *member_name* will raise :exc:`AglyphError`.

   Specifying *member_name* with any explicit strategy other than
   "_imported" will ignore the explicit strategy, change it to
   "_imported" internally, and issue a :class:`UserWarning` to that


LifecycleState = namedtuple(
    "LifecycleState", ["AFTER_INJECT", "BEFORE_CLEAR"])(
        "after_inject", "before_clear")
"""Define the lifecycle states for which Aglyph will call object methods
on your behalf.

.. _lifecycle-methods:

.. rubric:: Lifecycle methods

Lifecycle methods are called with **no arguments** (positional or

If a called lifecycle method raises an exception, the exception is
caught, logged at :attr:`logging.ERROR` level (including a traceback) to
the "aglyph.assembler.Assembler" channel, and a :class:`RuntimeWarning`
is issued.

A method may be registered for a lifecycle state by specifying the
method name at the context (least specific), template, and/or component
(most specific) level.

.. note::
   Aglyph only calls **one** method on an object for any lifecycle
   state. Refer to **The lifecycle method lookup process** (below) for

Aglyph recognizes the following lifecycle states:

.. rubric:: "after_inject"

A component object is in this state after **all** dependencies (both
initialization arguments and attributes) have been injected into a
newly-created instance, but before the object is cached and/or returned
to the caller.

Aglyph will only call **one** "after_inject" method on any object, and
will determine which method to call by using the lookup process
described below.

.. rubric:: "before_clear"

A component object is in this state after is has been removed from an
internal cache (singleton, borg, or weakref), but before the object
itself is actually discarded.

Aglyph will only call **one** "before_clear" method on any object, and
will determine which method to call by using the lookup process
described below.

.. _lifecycle-method-lookup-process:

.. rubric:: The lifecycle method lookup process

Lifecyle methods may be specified at the context (least specific),
template, and component (most specific) levels.

In order to determine which named method is called for a particular
object, Aglyph looks up the appropriate lifecycle method name in the
following order, using the **first** one found that is not ``None``
*and* is actually defined on the object:

#. The method named by the object's ``Component.<lifecycle-state>``
#. If the object's :attr:`Component.parent_id` is not ``None``, the
   method named by the corresponding parent
   ``Template.<lifecycle-state>`` or ``Component.<lifecycle-state>``
   property. (If necessary, lookup continues by examining the
   parent-of-the-parent and so on.)
#. The method named by the ``Context.<lifecycle-state>`` property.

When Aglyph finds a named lifecycle method that applies to an object,
but the object itself does not define that method, a
:attr:`logging.WARNING` message is emitted.

.. note::
  Either a :class:`Component` or :attr:`Template` may serve as the
  parent identified by a ``parent_id``.

  However, only a :class:`Component` may actually be assembled into
  a usable object. (A :attr:`Template` is like an abstract class -
  it defines common dependencies and/or lifecycle methods, but it
  cannot be assembled.)


[docs]class Reference(TextType): """A placeholder used to refer to another :class:`Component`. A ``Reference`` is used as an alias to identify a component that is a dependency of another component. The value of a ``Reference`` can be either a dotted-name or a user-provided unique ID. A ``Reference`` can be used as an argument for an :class:`Evaluator`, and can be assembled directly by an :class:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler`. .. warning:: A ``Reference`` value MUST correspond to a component ID in the same context. .. note:: In Python versions < 3.0, a ``Reference`` representing a dotted-name *must* consist only of characters in the ASCII subset of the source encoding (see :pep:`0263`). But in Python versions >= 3.0, a ``Reference`` representing a dotted-name *may* contain non-ASCII characters (see :pep:`3131`). However, a ``Reference`` may also represent a user-defined identifier. To accommodate all cases, the super class of ``Reference`` is "dynamic" with respect to the version of Python under which Aglyph is running (:class:`unicode` under Python 2, :class:`str` under Python 3). This documentation shows the base class as ``str`` because the `Sphinx <>`_ documentation generator for Aglyph runs under CPython 3. """ def __new__(cls, referent): """Create a new reference to *referent*. :arg referent: the object that the reference will represent :raise aglyph.AglyphError: if *referent* is a class, function, or module but cannot be imported If *referent* is a string, it is assumed to be a valid :attr:`Component.unique_id` and its value is returned as a ``Reference``. If *referent* is a class, function, or module, its **importable** dotted name is returned as a ``Reference``. .. warning:: If *referent* is a class, function, or module, it **must** be importable. """ return TextType.__new__(cls, _identify(referent))
_log.debug("Reference extends %r", TextType) class _InitializationSupport(object): """The base for any class that configures type 2 (constructor) injection. """ __slots__ = ["_args", "_keywords"] def __init__(self): """The positional argument list and keyword argument mapping are initialized to empty. """ #PYVER: arguments to super() are implicit under Python 3 super(_InitializationSupport, self).__init__() self._args = [] self._keywords = {} @property def args(self): """The positional initialization arguments.""" return self._args @property def keywords(self): """The keyword initialization arguments.""" return self._keywords
[docs]@traced @logged class Evaluator(_InitializationSupport): """Perform lazy creation of objects.""" __slots__ = ["_factory"] def __init__(self, factory, *args, **keywords): """ :param factory: any callable that returns an object :param tuple args: the positional arguments to *func* :param dict keywords: the keyword arguments to *func* An ``Evaluator`` is similar to a :func:`functools.partial` in that they both collect a function and related arguments into a :obj:`callable` object with a simplified signature that can be called repeatedly to produce a new object. *Unlike* a partial function, an ``Evaluator`` may have arguments that are not truly "frozen," in the sense that any argument may be defined as a :class:`Reference`, a :func:`functools.partial`, or even another ``Evaluator``, which needs to be resolved (i.e. assembled/called) before calling *factory*. When an ``Evaluator`` is called, its arguments (positional and keyword) are each resolved in one of the following ways: * If the argument value is a :class:`Reference`, it is assembled (by an :class:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler` reference passed to :meth:`__call__`) * If the argument value is an ``Evaluator`` or a :func:`functools.partial`, it is called to produce its value. * If the argument is a dictionary or a sequence other than a string type, each item is resolved according to these rules. * If none of the above cases apply, the argument value is used as-is. """ #PYVER: arguments to super() are implicit under Python 3 super(Evaluator, self).__init__() if not callable(factory): raise TypeError("%r is not callable" % factory) self._factory = factory self._args = list(args) # mutable args for _InitializationSupport self._keywords = keywords @property def factory(self): """The :obj:`callable` that creates new objects *(read-only)*.""" return self._factory
[docs] def __call__(self, assembler): """Call ``factory(*args, **keywords)`` and return the new object. :param aglyph.assembly.Assembler assembler: the assembler that will be used to assemble any :class:`Reference` encountered in this evaluator's positional and keyword arguments """ resolve = self._resolve resolved_args = tuple(resolve(arg, assembler) for arg in self._args) # keywords MUST be strings! resolved_keywords = dict( [(keyword, resolve(arg, assembler)) for (keyword, arg) in self._keywords.items()]) return self._factory(*resolved_args, **resolved_keywords)
def _resolve(self, arg, assembler): """Return the resolved *arg*. :param arg: represents an argument (positional or keyword) to :attr:`factory` :param aglyph.assembly.Assembler assembler: the assembler that will be used to resolve *arg* :return: the resolved argument value that will actually be passed to :attr:`factory` """ if isinstance(arg, Reference): return assembler.assemble(arg) elif isinstance(arg, Evaluator): return arg(assembler) elif isinstance(arg, partial): return arg() elif isinstance(arg, dict): # either keys or values may themselves be References, partials, or # Evaluators resolve = self._resolve return dict( [(resolve(key, assembler), resolve(value, assembler)) for (key, value) in arg.items()]) elif hasattr(arg, "__iter__") and not is_string(arg): resolve = self._resolve # assumption: the iterable class supports initialization with # __init__(iterable) return arg.__class__([resolve(value, assembler) for value in arg]) else: return arg def __str__(self): return "<%s %s @%08x>" % ( name_of(self.__class__), self._factory.__name__, id(self)) def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s(%r, *%r **%r)" % ( self.__class__.__module__, name_of(self.__class__), self._factory, self._args, self._keywords)
class _DependencySupport(_InitializationSupport): """The base for any class that configures both type 1 (setter) and type 2 (constructor) injection. """ __slots__ = ["_attributes"] def __init__(self): """The field/property/setter mapping is initialized to empty.""" #PYVER: arguments to super() are implicit under Python 3 super(_DependencySupport, self).__init__() self._attributes = OrderedDict() @property def attributes(self): """The field/property/setter mapping.""" return self._attributes
[docs]@traced @logged class Template(_DependencySupport): """Support for configuring type 1 (setter) and type 2 (constructor) injection, and lifecycle methods. """ __slots__ = [ "_after_inject", "_before_clear", "_parent_id", "_unique_id", ] def __init__( self, unique_id, parent_id=None, after_inject=None, before_clear=None): """ :arg str unique_id: context-unique identifier for this template :keyword str parent_id: specifies the ID of a template or component that describes the default dependencies and/or lifecyle methods for this template :keyword str after_inject: specifies the name of the method that will be called on objects of components that reference this template after all component dependencies have been injected :keyword str before_clear: specifies the name of the method that will be called on objects of components that reference this template immediately before they are cleared from cache :raise ValueError: if *unique_id* is ``None`` or empty .. note:: A ``Template`` cannot be assembled (it is equivalent to an abstract class). However, a :class:`Component` can also serve as a template, so if you need the ability to assemble an object *and* use its definition as the basis for other components, then define the default dependencies and/or lifecycle methods in a :class:`Component` and use that component's ID as the :attr:`Component.parent_id` in other components. *unique_id* must be a user-provided identifier that is unique within the context to which this template is added. A component may then be instructed to use a template by specifying the same value for :attr:`Component.parent_id`. *parent_id* is **another** :attr:`Component.unique_id` or :attr:`Template.unique_id` in the same context that descibes **this** template's default dependencies and/or lifecycle methods. *after_inject* is the name of a method *of objects of this component* that will be called after **all** dependencies have been injected, but before the object is returned to the caller. This method will be called with **no** arguments (positional or keyword). Exceptions raised by this method are not caught. .. note:: ``Template.after_inject`` takes precedence over any *after_inject* method name specified for the template's parent or context. *before_clear* is the name of a method *of objects of this component* that will be called immediately before the object is cleared from cache via :meth:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler.clear_singletons()`, :meth:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler.clear_borgs()`, or :meth:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler.clear_weakrefs()`. .. note:: ``Template.before_clear`` takes precedence over any *before_clear* method name specified for the template's parent or context. .. warning:: The *before_clear* keyword argument has no meaning for and is ignored by "prototype" components. If *before_clear* is specified for a prototype, a :class:`RuntimeWarning` will be issued. For "weakref" components, there is a possibility that the object no longer exists at the moment when the *before_clear* method would be called. In such cases, the *before_clear* method is **not** called. No warning is issued, but a :attr:`logging.WARNING` message is emitted. """ #PYVER: arguments to super() are implicit under Python 3 super(Template, self).__init__() if not unique_id: raise ValueError( "%s unique ID must not be None or empty" % name_of(self.__class__)) self._unique_id = unique_id self._parent_id = parent_id self._after_inject = after_inject self._before_clear = before_clear @property def unique_id(self): """Uniquely identifies this template in a context *(read-only)*.""" return self._unique_id @property def parent_id(self): """Identifies this template's parent template or component *(read-only)*. """ return self._parent_id @property def after_inject(self): """The name of the component object method that will be called after **all** dependencies have been injected *(read-only)*. """ return self._after_inject @property def before_clear(self): """The name of the component object method that will be called immediately before the object is cleared from cache *(read-only)*. .. warning:: This property is not applicable to "prototype" component objects, and is **not guaranteed** to be called for "weakref" component objects. """ return self._before_clear def __str__(self): return "<%s %r @%08x>" % ( name_of(self.__class__), self._unique_id, id(self)) def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s(%r, parent_id=%r, after_inject=%r, before_clear=%r)" % ( self.__class__.__module__, name_of(self.__class__), self._unique_id, self._parent_id, self._after_inject, self._before_clear)
[docs]@traced @logged class Component(Template): """Define a component and the dependencies needed to create a new object of that component at runtime. """ __slots__ = [ "_dotted_name", "_factory_name", "_member_name", "_strategy", ] def __init__( self, component_id, dotted_name=None, factory_name=None, member_name=None, strategy=None, parent_id=None, after_inject=None, before_clear=None): """ :arg str component_id: the context-unique identifier for this component :keyword str dotted_name: an **importable** dotted name :keyword str factory_name: names a :obj:`callable` member of objects of this component :keyword str member_name: names **any** member of objects of this component :keyword str strategy: specifies the component assembly strategy :keyword str parent_id: specifies the ID of a template or component that describes the default dependencies and/or lifecyle methods for this component :keyword str after_inject: specifies the name of the method that will be called on objects of this component after all of its dependencies have been injected :keyword str before_clear: specifies the name of the method that will be called on objects of this component immediately before they are cleared from cache :raise aglyph.AglyphError: if both *factory_name* and *member_name* are specified :raise ValueError: if *strategy* is not a recognized assembly strategy *component_id* must be a user-provided identifier that is unique within the context to which this component is added. An **importable** dotted name may be used (see :func:`aglyph.resolve_dotted_name`). *dotted_name*, if provided, must be an **importable** dotted name (see :func:`aglyph.resolve_dotted_name`). .. note:: If *dotted_name* is not specified, then *component_id* is used as the component's dotted name and **must** be an importable dotted name. *factory_name* is the name of a :obj:`callable` member of *dotted-name* (i.e. a function, class, staticmethod, or classmethod). When provided, the assembler will call this member to create an object of this component. *factory_name* enables Aglyph to inject dependencies into objects that can only be initialized via nested classes, :obj:`staticmethod`, or :obj:`classmethod`. See :attr:`factory_name` for details. *member_name* is the name of a member of *dotted-name*, which **may or may not** be callable. *member_name* differs from *factory_name* in two ways: 1. *member_name* is not restricted to callable members; it may identify **any** member (attribute, property, nested class). 2. When an assembler assembles a component with a *member_name*, initialization of the object is *bypassed* (i.e. the assembler will not call the member, and any initialization arguments defined for the component will be **ignored**). *member_name* enables Aglyph to reference class, function, :obj:`staticmethod`, and :obj:`classmethod` obejcts, as well as simple attributes or properties, as components and dependencies. See :attr:`member_name` for details. .. note:: Both *factory_name* and *member_name* can be dot-separated names to reference nested members. .. warning:: The *factory_name* and *member_name* arguments are mutually exclusive. An exception is raised if both are provided. *strategy* must be a recognized component assembly strategy, and defaults to ``Strategy.PROTOTYPE`` (*"prototype"*) if not specified. .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 When :attr:`member_name` is specified, the strategy **must** be *"_imported"*. Aglyph will use the "_imported" strategy automatically for components that specify *member_name*; setting strategy to anything other than "_imported" when specifying *member_name* will issue :class:`UserWarning`. Please see :data:`Strategy` for a description of the component assembly strategies supported by Aglyph. .. warning:: The ``Strategy.BORG`` (*"borg"*) component assembly strategy is only supported for classes that **do not** define or inherit ``__slots__``! *parent_id* is the context-unique ID of a :class:`Template` (or another ``Component``) that defines default dependencies and/or lifecycle methods for this component. *after_inject* is the name of a method *of objects of this component* that will be called after **all** dependencies have been injected, but before the object is returned to the caller. This method will be called with **no** arguments (positional or keyword). Exceptions raised by this method are not caught. .. note:: ``Component.after_inject`` takes precedence over any *after_inject* method names specified for the component's parent or context. *before_clear* is the name of a method *of objects of this component* that will be called immediately before the object is cleared from cache via :meth:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler.clear_singletons()`, :meth:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler.clear_borgs()`, or :meth:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler.clear_weakrefs()`. .. note:: ``Component.before_clear`` takes precedence over any *before_clear* method names specified for the component's parent or context. .. warning:: The *before_clear* keyword argument has no meaning for, and is ignored by, "prototype" components. If *before_clear* is specified for a prototype component, a :class:`UserWarning` is issued **when the component is defined**, and the component's :attr:`before_clear` attribute is set to ``None``. .. warning:: For "weakref" components, there is a possibility that the object no longer exists at the moment when the *before_clear* method would be called. In such cases, the :meth:`aglyph.assembler.clear_weakrefs` method will issue a :class:`RuntimeWarning` (see that method's documentation for more details). Once a ``Component`` instance is initialized, the ``args`` (:obj:`list`), ``keywords`` (:obj:`dict`), and ``attributes`` (:class:`collections.OrderedDict`) members can be modified in-place to define the dependencies that must be injected into objects of this component at assembly time. For example:: component = Component("http.client.HTTPConnection") component.args.append("") component.args.append(80) component.keywords["strict"] = True component.attributes["set_debuglevel"] = 1 In Aglyph, a component may: * be assembled directly by an :class:`aglyph.assembler.Assembler` * identify other components as dependencies (using a :class:`Reference`) * be used by other components as a dependency * use common dependencies and behaviors (*after_inject*, *before_clear*) defined in a :class:`aglyph.component.Template` * use any combination of the above behaviors """ #PYVER: arguments to super() are implicit under Python 3 super(Component, self).__init__( component_id, parent_id=parent_id, after_inject=after_inject, before_clear=before_clear) # if a dotted name is not provided, the unique ID is assumed to be a # dotted name self._dotted_name = dotted_name if dotted_name else component_id if factory_name and member_name: raise AglyphError( "only one of factory_name or member_name may be specified") self._factory_name = factory_name self._member_name = member_name # issues/5: default strategy is "_imported" when member_name is # specified, otherwise "prototype" if strategy is None: strategy = \ "_imported" if member_name else Strategy.PROTOTYPE # issues/5: member_name requires "_imported" strategy and vice-versa if member_name and strategy != "_imported": warnings.warn( ("ignoring strategy %r for component %r -- strategy MUST be " "'_imported' (implicit) if member_name is specified") % (strategy, component_id), UserWarning) strategy = "_imported" elif strategy == "_imported" and not member_name: raise AglyphError( "strategy '_imported' is only valid if member_name is specified") if strategy not in Strategy and strategy != "_imported": raise ValueError("unrecognized assembly strategy %r" % strategy) self._strategy = strategy # issues/5: also see Assembler._call_lifecycle_method, which issues a # RuntimeWarning for _imported components that describe an after_inject # method if (strategy in [Strategy.PROTOTYPE, "_imported"] and before_clear): warnings.warn( "ignoring before_clear=%r for %s component with ID %r" % (before_clear, strategy, self._unique_id), UserWarning) self._before_clear = None @property def dotted_name(self): """The importable dotted name for objects of this component *(read-only)*. """ return self._dotted_name @property def factory_name(self): """The name of a :obj:`callable` member of :attr:`dotted_name` *(read-only)*. ``factory_name`` can be used to initialize objects of the component when a class is not directly importable (e.g. the component class is a nested class), or when component objects need to be initialized via :obj:`staticmethod` or :obj:`classmethod`. Consider the following:: # class Example: class Nested: pass The dotted name "module.Example.Nested" is not importable, and so cannot be used as a component's ``unique_id`` or ``dotted_name``. To assemble objects of this type, use ``factory_name`` to identify the callable factory (the Nested class, in this example) that is accessible through the importable "module.Example":: component = Component( "nested-object", dotted_name="module.Example", factory_name="Nested") Or using XML configuration:: <component id="nested-object" dotted-name="module.Example" factory-name="Nested" /> ``factory_name`` may also be a dot-separated name to specify an arbitrarily-nested callable. The following example is equivalent to the above:: component = Component( "nested-object", dotted_name="module", factory_name="Example.Nested") Or again using XML configuration:: <component id="nested-object" dotted-name="module" factory-name="Example.Nested" /> .. note:: The important thing to remember is that :attr:`dotted_name` must be **importable**, and ``factory_name`` must be accessible from the imported class or module via attribute access. """ return self._factory_name @property def member_name(self): """The name of any member of :attr:`dotted_name` *(read-only)*. ``member_name`` can be used to obtain an object *directly* from an importable module or class. The named member is simply accessed and returned (it is **not** called, even if it is callable). Consider the following:: # class Example: class Nested: pass The following example shows how to define a component that will produce the ``module.Example.Nested`` class *itself* when assembled:: component = Component( "nested-class", dotted_name="module.Example", member_name="Nested") Or using XML configuration:: <component id="nested-class" dotted-name="module.Example" member-name="Nested" /> ``member_name`` may also be a dot-separated name to specify an arbitrarily-nested member. The following example is equivalent to the above:: component = Component( "nested-class", dotted_name="module", member_name="Example.Nested") Or again using XML configuration:: <component id="nested-class" dotted-name="module" member-name="Example.Nested" /> .. note:: The important thing to remember is that :attr:`dotted_name` must be **importable**, and ``member_name`` must be accessible from the imported class or module via attribute access. .. warning:: When a component specifies ``member_name``, initialization is assumed. In other words, Aglyph **will not** attempt to initialize the member, and will **ignore** any :attr:`args` and :attr:`keywords`. On assembly, if any initialization arguments and/or keyword arguments have been defined for such a component, they are discarded and a WARNING-level log record is emitted to the "aglyph.assembler.Assembler" channel. (Any :attr:`attributes` that have been specified for the component will still be processed as setter injection dependencies, however.) """ return self._member_name @property def strategy(self): """The component assembly strategy *(read-only)*.""" return self._strategy def __repr__(self): return ( "%s.%s(%r, dotted_name=%r, factory_name=%r, member_name=%r, " "strategy=%r, parent_id=%r, after_inject=%r, before_clear=%r)") % ( self.__class__.__module__, name_of(self.__class__), self._unique_id, self._dotted_name, self._factory_name, self._member_name, self._strategy, self._parent_id, self._after_inject, self._before_clear)