What’s new in release 2.1.0?

  • The Python 2.6 lifespan has ended and it is no longer actively supported in Aglyph. (Aglyph 2.1.0 will not run on Python 2.6 without patching)
  • Aglyph now supports lifecycle methods, which may be declared at the context, template, and/or component level for the “after injection” and “before clear” lifecycle states.
  • Aglyph now supports a form of component “inheritance” through aglyph.component.Template (XML <template>). Refer to Component inheritance using templates for examples.
  • The Aglyph context DTD has been updated to support both lifecycle methods and templates.
  • The aglpyh.integration package has been added to support integrating Aglyph with other projects. Aglyph 2.1.0 introduces CherryPy integration using the classes defined in aglyph.integration.cherrypy. Refer to Integrating Aglyph for examples.
  • The caches defined in aglyph.cache are now implemented as Context Manager Types, and the public lock members have been deprecated.
  • A “safe” representation is now used to log assembled objects, ensuring that possibly sensitive data is not logged.
  • Deprecated classes and functions now issue aglyph.AglyphDeprecationWarning.